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The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying

Scott McMullan · January 16th 2019

I first heard about the Japanese organising consultant, Marie Kondo and The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying: A simple, effective way to banish clutter forever when my partner rang me in hysterics. She was flustered that the mess from a recent social gathering, had (slightly) got out control and we had family visiting in a couple of days. For many, the obvious thing to do was to start cleaning but instead, I tried something different; I picked up a book.

Reasons to clean your oven

Scott McMullan · January 15th 2019

Not many of us want to spend quality time with our heads stuck in a greasy oven armed with wire scrubbers, chemicals and dripping sweat. Hardly glamorous is it? Research tells us its one of the most put off household chores. Life is simply too busy for such an arduous time consuming task. So why bother? Tomorrow is another day.